Who are we?

Peter Haycock
Peter has been a worship leader in various churches for many years and was trained in church leadership through the Pioneer Network. For three years he was the pastor of a church in Staffordshire.
He is Emeritus Professor of Environmental Engineering at Keele University and a part-time consultant engineer. He studied physics at the universities of Bristol and Sussex and then worked at the Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford. In 1989 he took up a post in the Centre for Electronic Engineering at Keele University, where he eventually became Head of the Foundation Year Centre for 12 years. His recent research includes development of novel survey techniques for the structural and civil engineering sectors, some of which are currently being used on site.
After taking early retirement from Keele, he turned his attention to interpreting modern science in a Christian context and making the Bible accessible to all. With his wife he also keeps chickens in Lincolnshire.
Irene Haycock
Irene is an Historical Geographer at Cambridge University, currently completing a PhD on agrarian change in Early Modern Staffordshire, looking at farming families and domestic industry. She previously studied Geography and History at Keele, followed by an MPhil in Geographical Research at Cambridge.
Irene also is a worship leader. She has been married to Peter for 36 years. She enjoys spinning fleece and researching forgotten crafts.
Roz Haycock
Roz graduated with a BSc in Sports Coaching and Physical Education from Anglia Ruskin University, after which she completed an internship with the Church of England, followed by three and a half years working in an evangelist role with a Christian charity. During this time she completed a Certificate in Christian Studies at St John's Nottingham School of Mission, in partnership with New Wine Ireland.
Roz has recently taken on a role as a key worker at a local supermarket. In her spare time, she enjoys walking her dog, as well as hill walking and camping. She is currently training to be a Duke of Edinburgh Award assessor.