Who put the majesty into the morning?
Allowed seeing eyes to capture the glisten on the water?
Who provides food for the birds and clothes the flowers of the field?
Who flung the stars into space, unfathomable beauty given on the depths of the night?
Who breathed life into the newborn, potent, latent wonder, full of future's hope?
Who whispers in the gentle breeze or can tame the roar of a mighty hurricane?
The glory of a heavenly sunset giving a window into another world.
God would walk with 'man'.
Open your eyes and ears and hearts and embrace the all-seeing, all-knowing God of Heaven and Earth. Breathe Him in and know that all is well.
The all-sufficient One is here.
Make peace with God; the time is right.
He calls out your name.
Fear has no place where perfect love dwells.
We are forgiven, let the Prince of Peace reign.
Jesus is His name.