Sea breeze on my face.
See the barren castle at death's door
battered by the crashing waves?
Forlorn, hope rescinded.
Now bird's-eye view through the clouds:
patchwork quilt, green and calm.
Trusty steed, onward we go
through the night, Mercy's flight.
Deliver your charge to Journey's End,
my beautiful friend.
Lift up a fallen heart,
Courage impart,
Grace imbue,
Life be given.
Light for the next step.
Yes, you are not forgotten.
Life's airy veil blows thin,
now fresh, not dank,
light not heavy.
Eyes restored to fly again.
"Let not your hearts be troubled.
You believe in God, believe also in me."
Quote taken from the words of Jesus to his disciples in the Bible, book of John: chapter 14, verse 1.