The answer to that is simple: Yes! There are major signs and wonders where God definitely intervenes and breaks the natural laws of his own creation. Turning water into wine (John chapter 2, verses 1-11) is not a Universe-natural process and probably not even a Heaven-natural process either: it was Jesus directly intervening in chemistry. This was not a wonder, because very few people knew about it, at least at first, but was a sign (as John calls it) to the disciples early on in Jesus' ministry. Multiplying the bread and fish for feeding 5,000 men (Mark chapter 6, verses 30-44) or 4,000 men (Mark chapter 8, versus 1-10), in each case plus an unknown number of women and children, was not a Universe-natural process; nor was parting the sea to allow the Israelites to escape from Egypt (Exodus chapter 14). Jesus' instantaneous healing of lepers and the lame and the blind and raising the dead were not Universe-natural processes either. These were all miracles.
God made all the rules of the Universe, so he of all people knows how to break them.
Now remarkable healings do sometimes occur naturally, when there doesn’t seem to be a prayer or faith element, and astound doctors. However, I have seen, experienced or know of several healing miracles which are beyond that and were a direct response to prayer and/or faith in Jesus. I give three examples in the post Healing miracles today. They are just a three of the many instances I could cite where I have seen God broke his own laws of nature out of love for us. These are signs that he is with us and that he loves us. For those who are healed they are quite a wonder as well!