The more we learn about the universe, the weirder it seems to be, but also the more we discover that we don't know.

Science is amazing and, as a scientist, I find the wealth of recent discoveries very exciting. Being a physicist by training, what captures my attention the most is the ever expanding knowledge base in astronomy and the related subject area of fundamental particle physics. Human minds have been able to delve in incredible depth into what the universe is made of and how it works. However, one key discovery is that we know only about 5% of what is in it; we have no handle on what the other 95% is. We also don't know what time is at a fundamental level, and even nature of the space that we move around in is a matter for debate.
Scientists know only 5% of what makes up the Universe and we don't fully understand concepts as basic as time and space. How can anyone think that this gives us grounds for saying that there isn't a God?
Now, of course, there are theories to try to move forward our understanding, but there is no scientific evidence to confirm any such theory. For now, we need to be content to recognize that our knowledge is severely limited.
Science explains so much
When talking to people, I quite often hear the argument put forward that because we now know so much about the Universe we don't need to believe in God to explain how and why we ended up existing. We can use mathematics to explain everything back to a big bang and everything evolved from that. These people are sometimes scientists, who believe that science is the only way to investigate the nature and meaning of reality. However, more often, they are from other walks of life and have picked up a narrative promulgated by several eminent scientists and much of the wider scientific community.
What is less often heard is the voice of the many scientists who are Christians and believe that, whatever 'Science' says, the truth is that we are here only because of the actions of God and we are not in a position to rule out the existence of a creator on the basis of our current scientific knowledge.