Irene and I moved to Lincolnshire in December last year. We are currently renting an ex-farmhouse on the banks of a small river, miles from anywhere except a a few houses dotted around in the fields. We are in the fens and so the land is pretty much flat, which gives us great views and spectacular sunrises and sunsets. We are getting to know some of the local wildlife and are able to free-range our chickens, which they say they enjoy immensely. We came here partly because we had got to know a vicar in one of the villages just across the fields. Since arriving, we have been doing some voluntary work with him: playing the guitar (Irene) and keyboard (me), helping out a messy church for the young families and, at the moment, assisting with church food bank deliveries. A few weeks ago I was asked to write an article for the community magazine, explaining who I am and why as a scientist I believe in God. The full article can be found here and I summarize it below.
Those of you who know me will be aware that I am a physicist/engineer by profession. The more fundamental physics you get to know, the more incredible it becomes. The truth about the nature of the universe is so bizarre that it could not possibly have invented itself. When people tell me that they don’t believe in God because science gives us all the answers, I explain that one thing scientists understand almost for certain is that we currently know only about 5% of what the universe is. The knowledge that we do have of that 5%, though, actually does indicate the existence of a creator.
If, then, there is a creator God, the story of the Bible makes complete sense . He made us humans to be with him, but we generally live without him. Other religions vainly try to put in place human measures to overcome our failings, but the real creator God sent his perfect son, Jesus, to take responsibility for our imperfections through his death on the cross. This sets those who believe that Jesus is God free to live for him and to enter heaven.
How, though, do we know that this story is true? Over the years I have seen many people’s lives completely changed for the better once they become Christians. I have also seen God do many things in answers to prayer, i.e. miracles. I have personally been healed by God on several occasions and have witnessed Him heal others many times when I have prayed for them. All this put together convinces me that God exists, Jesus is indeed his son, and he is good. The rest of this blog explores the points above in more detail.